Het weer in Andalusië


Dear black butterfly that crossed my path today,

what's your meaning, what were you trying to say?

Fiercely making jerky circles over my head,

unfortunately I have not heard what you said.


Dear blue butterfly that encountered me last week,

what were the words you were trying to seek?

Gracefully floating over the meandering stream,

I did not get the story you were trying to make me dream.


VlinderDear white butterfly that last month mingled in the crowd,

what were you telling, the music was way too loud?

Happily flitting your way through arms that were waving,

were you telling me to stop my excessive craving?


Dear colored butterfly inside my directionless mind,

are you trying to make me leave sudden things behind?

Constantly flying and triggering an undefined feeling,

you were not yet able to convince me it will be healing.


Dear gathered butterflies give me a break,

but first tell me which way I should now take.



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